A tipping point for authentic movemental Christianity in the West
100 Movements
100 Movements is an initiative of Movement Leaders Collective with the audacious kingdom vision to invest in 100 Jesus-Movements to shift the tracks of history.
The focus is to convene and catalyze 50 Movement Catalysts (leaders with domain Influence in the Western Church) and 100 Jesus-movements (Movement-Ready Organizations) who can shift the tracks of history by embodying and operationalizing mDNA (6 elements of movement DNA).
100 Movements is a collective of innovators, practitioners, thought leaders and a strategic alliance of organizations - all focused around creating a tipping point towards movemental Christianity in the West.
Why Movements?
Movements have historically changed the world because they hold a transformative energy and have catalytic impact. Movements impact and influence society on every level. They initiate social, spiritual, and systemic change and spark imagination and innovation.
The Church has drifted, growing institutional and narrow, becoming pragmatic, program-driven, and platform-based in many places. The attractional system is not producing and delivering on its promise and potential of world transformation.
We want to see the Church remember the forgotten ways of Jesus and reimagine itself as a movement. A first century design in a 21st Century context to create a tipping point towards movemental Christianity in the west.
We dream of a collaborative, dynamic, authentic, sacrificial, generative, and innovative community of Christlike leaders to write a different story, where a collective of Jesus-Movements pursue the great commission of disciple-making and kingdom expansion across the globe growing to multiple generations, across all geography, all ethnicities, and both genders, and shift the tracks of history.
We need to recapture and reimagine the Church as a Jesus-Movement
What is mDNA?
mDNA (Movement DNA) are the six core elements of movement dynamics, culture, and practice. mDNA components are present and demonstrated by Jesus-Movements.
They are vital as a spiritual foundation and strategic framework to spark, scale, and sustain movements. mDNA are areas of latent potential within our organization, serving as a leverage point for change and providing a focus for our vision, culture, and strategy.
Jesus is Lord
Discipleship & Disciple-Making
Missional-Incarnational Impulse
Organic Systems
Liminality + Communitas
A Movement of Movements
The mission of MLC is to identify, train, and empower 50 Movement Catalysts, 100 Jesus-Movements and 1000 Christlike leaders using the mDNA framework to become dynamic, innovative, and generative movements to create a tipping point towards movemental Christianity in the West to shift the tracks of history.